Monday, June 30, 2014

Football Booties

Size: 0-3 months

Simply Soft Yarn
Size "G" Needle

Front Part of Bootie:
Don't work in rounds. At the end of each row, join with a slst, then ch 1 to begin the next row. Also, do not turn, but continue working in the same direction.

With color A, ch 6,
Row 1: Sc in second ch from hook, sc 3, 3 sc, (working on opposite side of foundation ch) sc 3, 2 sc in last stitch. (12 sc)
Row 2: (2 sc, sc) around. (18 sc)
Row 3: (2 sc, sc 2) around. (24 sc)
Row 4: Sc around.
Row 5: Now with color B, sc around.
Rows 6-11: Switching back to color A, sc around. (24 sc)

Back Part of Bootie:
Row 12: Slst 4. Ch 1, turn. Sc in last slst made and in next 17 stitches. Ch 1, turn. (18 sc)
Row 13-18: Sc across. Ch 1, turn. (18 sc)

Slst back together. Fasten off.

Bootie Top:
Row 1: With color A, start in corner and sc around back of bootie. Slst next to front of tongue. Ch 1, sc 6 across tongue, slst next to beginning sc, slst in beginning sc. Fasten off.
Row 2: With color B, repeat row 1. Fasten off.

Double up color B yarn for laces and threading. Start with laces and leave a long enough string at the beginning for tying shoe.

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